Custom Collections
Every data collection tool is customized specific to each district building or classroom in a simple and user-friendly way.
Utilizing data in school communities is crucial to guide decisions and provide a foundation for informed educational practices. The collection and analysis of data (both quantitative and qualitative) informs educators and administrators of their current strengths, and guides them to understand what they need to address going forward. Making decisions based on data encourages a culture focused on improvement, allowing them to assess the true impact of their instructional strategies.
With our data analysis services, we’ll guide your team through data-rich discussion to help improve your school community.
Every data collection tool is customized specific to each district building or classroom in a simple and user-friendly way.
We have data collection tools focused on collecting meaningful data to provide a comprehensive understanding of your school or organization.
Our data templates and dashboards create a simpler way to understand the data we retrieve during analyzation.
Our collection processes have clear implementation processes to ensure what’s collected is up-to-date and valid.
Once data is collected, we’ll begin a data analysis process that allows stakeholders to clearly see a comprehensive look of what the data indicates.
Our data analysis process helps schools and organizations identify the root causes and understand how they need to address them.
We’ll be with you every step of the way to answer questions and guide the data collection, interpretation and implementation processes.
Our goal and action plan allows for schools and organizations to outline a plan to address their challenges and begin the improvement process.
Let’s talk about how Data Analysis through Compass could help your school.
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